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Singing Voice Lessons - Learn to sing like a star

Some examples of what you will learn...

Breathing Technique / Exercises

You will learn a variety of breathing exercises involving the
expansion of the diaphragm (the partition of muscles and tendons between the chest and abdominal cavity).

Vocal Register (Range)

You will learn to identify your vocal range by singing in a
comfortable tone. You will also have the ability to sing in a variety of vocal ranges as you experiment from the low
voice to the high voice (ie. from alto to soprano, and bass
to tenor).

Vocal Placement and Style

You will learn about various vocal placements in regard to vocal resonance. You will also learn how to incorporate these exercises to suit your vocal style.

Various Scale Exercises

You will learn a variety of vocal exercises designed to increase your range and develop greater breath support.

By practicing this method, you will develop your voice to ultimately suite yourself. You will learn that by singing comfortably in any given style, you will become a better singer. With constant practice and dedication, you will develop confidence in your vocal sound and become the best singer you can be!
